Coaching parental par les petits pois

Why doesn’t my baby go to sleep on his/her own? Why won’t my toddler listen to my simple commands? Why does my kid cry over silly and illogical things? We ask ourselves these questions as parents over and over but often there are no answers…at least not straightforward ones. Through Les Petits Pois, I can help shed some light onto how the child’s developmental brain works, through the different ages and stages, as they and we, as parents, learn to cope and thrive.


  • Bonding theory, how does it work?
    Attachment grows with every interaction between the caregiver and the child. It also influences future relationships.
  • Your child’s brain, how does it work?
    Understanding the different development stages of your child enables you to have an adequate answer to the situation.
  • From 2 people to parents, how does it work?
    A guided discussion to better understand your vision of being parents and education. A very interesting session to see who your want to be as a parent.




Through this workshop, you will learn skills that make life with children easier and more satisfying.

The goal of the “How to talk so kids will listen workshop” is to give you practical, effective methods of communication that will make your relationship with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding. You will learn how to:

  • Discipline without hurting or alienating
  • Cope with your child’s willing cooperation
  • Help your child develop a realistic and positive self-image
  • Foster an atmosphere of love and respect
  • Resolve conflicts peacefully
call to action image

Limited Seatings

Register now!

The next workshop will be held in Blonay for 6 Monday nights from 7:15PM to 9:45PM starting May 13th until June 24th 2019.

Cost: 250.- CHF per person. 450.- CHF per couple.


What will be covered in each session?


  1. Helping Children Deal with Their Feelings – an exploration of what happens to children when their feelings are denied. Specific skills that help children to recognize and cope with their negative feelings: disappointment, envy, frustration, resentment, anger, ect. Ways to accept children’s feelings, limit unacceptable behavior, and still maintain goodwill.
  2. Engaging Cooperation – How children react co commonly used methods to get them to cooperate: threats, warnings, orders, name-calling, sarcasm, lecturing, etc. Five ways to invite cooperation that will leave parents and children feeling food about themselves and each other.
  3. Alternatives to Punishment – How do children normally react to punishment? Is it necessary to rely on punishment as a means of discipline? Some alternatives to punishment that enable parents to express their strong disapproval as well as encourage children to assume responsibility for their behavior.
  4. Encouraging Autonomy – Ways to help children become separate, responsible people who can one day function on their own. Specific skills that help children to become more self-reliant.
  5. Praise – An exploration of the kinds of praise that build a positive and realistic self-image, and the kinds that are counter-productive. A variety of ways to help our children become aware of their strengths so that they can put them into action.
  6. Freeing Children from Playing Roles – A look at how children are sometimes cast into roles (bully, whiner, dawdler, mischief-maker, etc.) and how we can free them from playing out these roles. Six skills that help children see themselves in a different and more positive light.

You have a question? Email me at

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