06 Apr Stay at home – Restez a la maison – Bleiben Zu Hause
It’s a simple message and it sums up our current collective predicament…to stop the spread; to protect those vulnerable; to do our part for the society as a whole.
And yet life continues. For those of us with young kids, it becomes a question of hows…. How will they react? How will we cope? How will we keep them busy? How….?
Well, there are the usual go-tos…reading books, painting and drawing, making crafts, playing with all the toys on hand, board games, baking and cooking together and we must not forget the saving grace of the all important – TV time! But what about those times when all those options have been exhausted and bed time is still so far far away! What then?
In these extraordinary times, we must be all become more creative when it comes to entertaining little kids. It’s easy to get caught up on all those other seemingly “pulled together” parents on Instagram, but we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for not coming up with new craft ideas using the recycling or finding educational ways to use trigs. Between work deadlines, cooking meals, home-schoolings …there is a lot to do! And sometimes you just need some help. Luckily there are plenty these days at your fingertips.
Some ideas:
When you need time for a conference call or to finish up an email and your child is asking you to read a book. Let your favorite celebrity read them a book instead on Storyline Online.
It’s a lot of fun and there are many new books to discover.
When you are cooking or cleaning and your kids are going stir-crazy in the house, let them work out their energy on Go Noodle https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames
For those kids that can do more calming activities, Cosmic kids Yoga is great! https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga . And you can choose your Yoga theme. Frozen? Pokemon? Ok, not the best reference, but my kids loved those Yoga sessions.
And when you just need a break, outsource some of the “teachings” with Super Simple ABCs
Yes, I know, it’s a lot of screen time…so when you do have time again to devote your energy to the kids. Here is a video that might inspire you to make staying inside fun.