Pregnancy and childbirth mark some of the most transformative time in a person’s life. While important to prepare for, they are mere steps leading to the ultimate adventure – Motherhood.
The 6 weeks following childbirth called the postpartum period, or golden month, requires just as much attention and preparation.
Each new mom is different, so each postpartum plan designed by Les Petits Pois is tailored to provide maximum comfort and benefit to each unique experience.
And the best way to find out if I am the best person to support you during this is to have a chat! Book an introductory 30min virtual meeting (via Skype) so we can get to know one another.
After that, I can travel to your home (within the Lausanne and Vevey area) to meet in person for our 1hr -1hr30 appointments.
Whether it’s a bunch of questions or a specific point, I can help!
All these take planning and preparation so don’t hesitate to reach out so we can discuss how to make your postpartum period as holistic as possible.
CHF 120.- Virtual session
CHF 130.- In home session
Combining the nourishing comfort of a postpartum message with our in-home support sessions will be hugely beneficial to any new mom.
Which postpartum subject is important to you at this moment? Baby’s development? Sleep? Breastfeeding? What to nourish your postpartum body? We pick one topic to tackle during the session.
I can travel to your home within the Lausanne and Vevey area.
Price: CHF 174.–
If you would like to relive your childbirth differently, this maybe the right option for you. Perhaps it was a traumatizing experience, opposite of how you had envisioned. Rewriting this chapter with a postpartum bath can bring calm and peace back into your life.
The session will take place in your home, or the home of a loved one who has a bathtub. Mother and baby will be together as we recount the events and emotions leading up to the birth. We will mediate as you and your child relax in the bath.
The bath is prepared lovingly with all natural products and essential oils. Please inform me of allergies or aversions to scents.
The session will approximately last 1hr30. I travel within the Lausanne and Vevey area, but let me know if you live further away.
Price: CHF 174.–
It’s often said that we lose ourselves in our children, this rings even more true during the precious 6 weeks post childbirth. During this time, it’s so easy to forget that mothers have needs as well. Taking care of an infant 24/7 means forgetting to eat, dress, sleep, shower, the basics of life.
That’s why it is so important to take care of yourself and your body that has just gone through so much. A postpartum massage can be a time that you carve out just for you, to recharge those mental and physical batteries for all the challenges ahead.
While ideal to do between 0-6 weeks postpartum, the benefits will last up to 6 months after.
I can travel to your home within the Lausanne and Vevey area. Click here for all the details.
Price: CHF 145.– for the Vevey region et 150.- for Lausanne and neighboring municipalities
Do you have several topics in mind to discussion while at the same time like to treat your body to a message? Then this offer might be of interest to you. Dads are welcome to all sessions.
Choice of services:
3 postpartum sessions (choice of services): 396.- CHF
5 postpartum sessions (choice of services): 639.- CHF